Why Metallics?
Through leveraging printing techniques to make a product really sing include color, shape, texture, and design. These elements, when properly developed, should cause your product to be a real standout from the rest on loaded retail shelves. Metallics, when applied with advanced printing techniques, can significantly ramp up sales.
Metallics: The Tie-Breaker.
When consumers are choosing colors, a “tie-breaking” design attracts consumers who are bombarded by a sea of similar products. The product that triggers a consumer to reach for a closer look is the first – and most critical – step in a purchase. When comparing options, a product that appears to be superior in quality to other choices will lead a consumer to select the product that appears to be higher in quality. The judicious use of metallics plays a big role in creating this response.
Gold, Silver, and Platinum – What About Blue, Yellow, or Red?

Traditional metallic elements in gold, silver, and platinum on packaging has typically been used to communicate the premium quality of a product. Advanced printing techniques make it possible to add impactful and beautiful blues and other more subtle metallic hues in designs that evoke a similar response in consumers. A shift away from the traditional concept that only gold, silver or platinum can effectively communicate a premium look, a gleaming, reflective sapphire metallic element can articulate the same message in a fresh way.
The New Metallics
With metalized inks and custom substrates, unique packaging approaches are now possible – and the reflective gleam of a metallic element in your design could be a smart way to create the response you want from consumers. Our team at JohnsByrne will work closely with you, your designers, or your marketing team to come up with an innovative, cost-effective packaging solution. Explore the solutions with us – we know the bottom line matters, and how to create a premium look at far less cost.
Cold Foil & Traditional Foil Stamping
Cold foil and traditional foil stamping are the two most popular metallic printing techniques. Traditional foil stamping utilizes heat and pressure to stamp designs onto packaging whereas cold foil stamping utilizes two custom printing towers while on press, to adhere cold foil onto the substrate.
Cold foil stamping can be done in-line on a press, this process allows for a fine foil details and gradients. On the other hand, traditional hot foil stamping offers a variety of cost-saving benefits if there are small areas that need foiling. In the end, it depends on the needs and specifications of your project.
Metalized Inks or Foil Boards?

The decision about which process will be most effective both in cost and consumer response is a critical aspect of package design development. The value proposition of metalized inks is that it can be run in-line without requiring a separate printing process, while still creating the desired impact on consumers.
Printing on mylar or foil boards is another option that could be an appropriate way to achieve a premium look for your product, or special holiday packaging with promotional rigid set-up boxes.
When Should Metallics be Used in Packaging?
The initial step in packaging development is an evaluation of product positioning in the market space and whether, with application of metallic design elements, could be elevated. A metallic can be pulled into the working palette, as a way to “premiumize” the product line and give consumers a visual cue that this product is superior to others in a similar price range.
Carefully planned and executed, the addition of metallics, whether with foil stamping, metallic substrates, or with premium metalized inks, can be the essential feature that attracts more buyers. Decisions about positioning a product amongst other similar products involves a thorough examination of line colors, process, varnishes, leveraging the substrates. At JohnsByrne, our innovative, award-winning approach to packaging designs offers a far wider scope of options in the use of metallics. Meet with our team and discover the possibilities.

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