
Connected Packaging: How It Can Improve Your Brand?

Published On: June 12, 2020

Photo Credits: QR Code Generator

Connected packaging is packaging that does more than just hold, protect and preserve the product. With connected packaging, the main goal is to connect the physical aspects of the product to the digital aspect and allow the customers to learn more about the brand and product. With advanced connected packaging, brands can learn more about the customer at the same time. While this type of packaging is fairly new, it is beginning to grow more in popularity as technology and consumer needs change. JohnsByrne explains what connected packaging is in more depth and the benefits connected packaging offers.

Popular Forms of Connected Packaging

There are three types of connected packaging, each with a different level of complexity. Which type of connecting packaging is best for your products? While all connected packaging types have their benefits, the best type of connected packaging for you vastly depends on what your brand wants the packaging to accomplish.

Active Packaging

Active packaging is the simplest and oldest connected packaging design today. The purpose of active packaging is to help customers engage and learn more about the products through its packaging. Additionally, active packaging can be used so customers can receive exclusive offers from the company. This product information and/or special offers usually are easily accessed by using a RFID or QR code printed on the packaging.

Example of Active Packaging

A great example of active packaging is a QR code printed on the secondary packaging, bringing consumers to the company’s Facebook page. Using this QR code on the packaging for this purpose does several things. For one, by allowing consumers to check out a brand’s social media, consumers can get a better idea of the brand’s story and values, which helps the brand to further connect with consumers. Additionally, when the QR code sends the customer to the company Facebook page, the customer can see what other products the brand is selling. This increases the chances of a customer purchasing other products from the brand in the future.

Interactive Packaging

Interactive packaging is more technologically advanced than active packaging. Interactive packaging communicates with the customer and provides information about the product.

Example of Interactive Packaging

In the past, JohnsByrne has created interactive packaging for Mobile Device brands These phones offered new camera technology that took high-quality photos in low light environments. In order to convey the quality of the phone camera’s to the customer, the packaging included “low light” boxes, which allowed customers to take a photo in one of these boxes to see the difference in quality that the phone offered. This created a fun experience for customers when opening the product, making the brand memorable in the eyes of the consumer. Furthermore, by being able to confirm the quality of the low light camera right away, consumers can instantly gain trust in a brand.

Intelligent Packaging

Intelligent packaging differs from active and interactive packaging in the fact that, not only can intelligent packaging send information, but it can receive information as well. Intelligent packaging can send and receive information through small sensors and NFC technology (a type of two-way communication). This advanced form of packaging is very expensive, however, intelligent packaging can provide a lot of valuable information and can improve branding, which can outweigh the large cost.

Example of Intelligent Packaging

An electronics company may use NFC technology to detect moisture levels in the surrounding environment. This information can be sent back to the brand for quality assurance purposes. This keeps any damaged products that were exposed to high levels of moisture from being accessible to customers. By doing this, brands can position themselves to consumers as a company that produces high quality, reliable products.

Benefits of Connected Packaging

Connected packaging can do wonders for your brand. From brand image to quality control, the benefits of connected packaging are vast. JohnsByrne mentions just a few below.

Improved Brand Recognition

For one, connected packaging can be used to improve brand image and recognition. This is because connected packaging is unique and engaging. Using novelty packaging for your products helps brands differentiate themselves from competitors.

Memorable Unboxing Experience

Using connected packaging creates a memorable unboxing experience for the customer for several reasons. For one, this type of packaging is a unique design compared to what other competitors are offering. This new and refreshing way to interact with the packaging is exciting and fun to the customer. Additionally, when interacting with the packaging the customer gains value. They learn more about what the brand is about or gain helpful information about the product. When a brand offers a valuable experience, a customer is more likely to remember the brand and product they received more positively.

Increased Supply Chain Quality and Control

While businesses have used barcodes to track packages, today, using RFID technology to track packages is growing in popularity. This is because RFID technology allows for tracking that provides more detailed and higher quality data. This allows businesses to track every single package throughout every step of their supply chain. With greater transparency throughout the supply chain, businesses can ensure their packages arrive to the consumer in great quality, which leaves a favorable impression on the customer.

Increased Customer Loyalty

Connected packaging is not only a novelty, it allows your brand to provide value to the customer by providing additional information about your product. What’s more, creative connected packaging designs enhance the customer’s experience when interacting with the product. This will result in a positive impact on consumers, which will entice them to buy from your brand in the future.

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Get Started on Your Next Connected Packaging Project

If you have a connected packaging project in mind, don’t hesitate to reach out to JohnsByrne. Our packaging experts will work with you to design a connected packaging project that attracts and creates values for your customers.

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