
Corporate Packaging: Determining Your Strategy

Published On: April 7, 2016

Branding is an essential consideration for any packaging strategy. Corporate packaging requires a strong, cohesive brand image. You need to stay true to your company values while compelling customers to buy your product. Whether it’s welcome kits, loyalty programs, or consumer product packaging, corporate packaging strategies need to occupy a space in your overall branding efforts. To determine your corporate packaging strategy, consider the following:


Not only does corporate packaging need to communicate your message to customers, but it also needs to express personality. This makes it easier for consumers to connect with your brand.


Depending on the particular personality you are trying to convey, you should consider certain packaging attributes. For example, if you appeal to a younger audience, use brighter colors and sleek graphics. For more serious brands, a subdued color scheme may be more appropriate.

Brand Message

This is one of the key components in defining an effective packaging strategy. What do you want your packaging to tell customers about your brand? Depending on your product, customers may encounter it on a store shelf for the first time without knowing anything about your company. Strong brand messaging through your corporate packaging gives customers a better idea of what your company is all about.

If your company focuses on sustainable initiatives, for example, use recycled materials for packaging. Calling it out directly on the box will resonate with your audience.

packaging trends

Customer Expectations

It’s crucial to have a strong awareness of your target audience when you are trying to outline a corporate packaging strategy. Knowing what your customers most love about your brand and what they want from the types of products they purchase is essential for determining a high-quality packaging design. Do they expect convenience from the products they buy?

It’s always important to design packaging strategies with the target customer in mind. Even with the right brand personality and a strong brand message, the wrong packaging can deter potential customers.

Corporate Packaging Goals


After outlining the other requirements of a corporate packaging strategy, it’s important to consider the overall goal. Are you trying to drive sales with a new packaging design or reconnect with your audience? In addition, companies may have goals outside of customer packaging. In the case of high-end welcome kits and loyalty programs, corporations need to drive engagement to make this form of packaging as effective as possible.

Consult with an Expert

If you need to define a new corporate packaging strategy, it may feel difficult to know where to get started. When you work with a brand packaging expert like JohnsByrne, you will be sure to get an innovative design that matches your needs and those of your target audience. Contact us today to learn more.

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