
Making Your Consumer Product Your Best Asset Through Packaging

Published On: October 9, 2015

Many different elements factor into a successful branding strategy. While catchy slogans and engaging advertising campaigns can help catch the attention of consumers, a brand’s true measure of success comes from the quality of its product. With this in mind, how can a packaging design support your product’s role as your best brand asset?

Why Bring the Focus Back to Your Product?

In highly competitive industries, such as nutraceutical or the health and beauty sector, the product is just as important—if not more so—than everything else surrounding the branding strategy. The product itself is what will create lasting loyalty to your brand.

Packaging is instrumental in making your product stand out and often times it’s the first interaction with your brand or product, making it a critical component of your overall branding strategy. Getting a consumer to pick up and choose your product off the shelf among competitors is the first challenge that needs to be overcome.

Intelligent packaging that not only stands out but also highlights the benefits or promise of your product is key to success. Innovative packaging designs can help support and enhance your product as the most important asset when you incorporate inventive designs.

To make your product your brand’s strongest asset, be sure to consider these design elements.


packaging with plastic windowing
People like to know what they are getting before they make a purchase. Use your packaging to showcase your product with clear windowing. In cases where customers can’t try something or hold the product before they buy it, clear panels help them visualize how they would use this item.

Sight is the first impression customers get from your product. Highlighting the product with a window feature in the packaging design helps consumers begin to interact and visualize themselves utilizing your product. In some industries such as cosmetics or food, product visibility is fundamental for consumers.

Specialty Die Cuts

gift with purchase packaging
Showcasing individual features of your product is an effective way to call attention to particular product features that make you stand out from your competitors. Specialty die cuts can be used to call out and focus consumers’ attention on the specific features you wish to highlight.

Circles, narrow slots, “try me” areas and more are made possible with specialty die cuts that are strategically placed to focus the attention on a feature or product asset.

Added Benefits

Don’t stop at just showing off the product—use value-added packaging to create an opportunity for loyalty. To establish yourself as a leader in your industry, consider packaging add-ons, such as gift-ready boxes or storage options.

Around the holiday season, packaging can make gifting much easier for shoppers when the product is already decked out with festive colors or shiny foils. Creating a packaging design that can be repurposed as storage for the item gives customers a compelling case to buy as well.

Story Telling

Telling your product’s story is key to familiarizing consumers with your brand promise. Packaging is instrumental in helping brands “show and tell” their brand story. Through unique graphics, applications of text, and branding elements, your packaging can tell consumers your unique story.

Using print effects such as embossing or metallic sheen, can effectively tell your story in a visual way that intrigues and captures consumers’ attention.

Keep It Simple

simple elegant product packaging
Even though it may be tempting to go overboard with your packaging design, this can detract from the attention the product should get. It’s possible to make an innovative packaging design without adding too much. Simplified designs work to highlight the product, reminding customers why you have an authentic brand. Less is often more when it comes to packaging that brings the attention to your product.

Packaging design is a crucial part of your brand strategy, but it’s important not to overdo it.

If you want to highlight your product as your most valuable brand asset, contact JohnsByrne to learn more about high-impact packaging solutions.

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