
Meeting Today’s Consumer Demands Through Packaging

Published On: October 15, 2015

What goes into a successful consumer packaging strategy? Heritage and authenticity are just two of the factors that brands consider extremely important to connect with a community of advocates and target consumers. While acknowledging your brand’s roots is important, staying too close to one specific look and feel or holding onto elements of an outdated packaging strategy for too long may keep your brand from evolving.

So what exactly is the right path to take? Finding the right balance for your brand and industry is crucial.

Consumers are more technologically savvy than ever before and can easily compare different products online before making a purchase. In addition, the economy has improved substantially in the past few years, meaning consumers have more spending power, and design and advertising agencies are taking packaging for retail products to a whole new level of creativity, brand storytelling, and engagement to appeal to and attract new customers.

These shifts in the marketplace mean companies may need to reevaluate their packaging strategies to ensure they stay competitive. With growing and changing customer demands, how can packaging meet consumers’ needs?


Although the product will be what leaves the final impression on the customer, packaging design is what starts the process of informing the consumer’s perception of value before he or she even makes the purchase. Packaging needs to reflect the essence of your product, and it should meet or exceed the perceived value.

For example, if you market your product line as a luxury good, but your packaging strategy doesn’t reflect this with an appropriate look and feel, customers may be hesitant to believe in your product.


It isn’t just about the experience customers get when they engage with your product. Your brand needs to start building the experience as soon as consumers pick up your product off the shelf.

Does your packaging just offer the basics, or does it wow customers? If your design is too simple, it may come across as undistinguishable and easily dismissible. Create an innovative and interactive experience with fold out tabs or packaging that do more than just hold your product.

Brand Message

packaging for brand messaging copy
Your packaging design should always have a clear tie-in to your brand message. It needs to reflect your brand values and characteristics to continue compelling consumers. Many companies try to redesign their packaging and stray too far from their existing brand messages, and this can be an unpopular move with loyal customers.

Emphasize branding with colors and specialty press and finishing effects like embossing, debossing, foils and distinctive coatings or varnishes that create instant visual and tactile effects that make your brand’s elements stand out.

The Need for Agile Packaging

Brands need to be able to respond to shifting consumer demands with their packaging or risk falling behind competitors. By allowing design to work hand-in-hand with function, packaging can stay fresh and allow brands to keep up with the times and consumer expectations.

Contact JohnsByrne today to learn more about innovative brand packaging strategies that can help your company excel.

packaging trends

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