
What Will Shape The Future Of Packaging?

Published On: February 2, 2016

Packaging is constantly evolving to become more efficient, easier to use, and more visually compelling. It can be difficult to balance all these objectives simultaneously and provide customers with a great experience. Largely based on changes in consumer demand and tastes, we can expect to see more emphasis on the following packaging elements in the near future:


As more consumers increasingly prioritize environmental conservation, more people will be looking for sustainably produced packaging, and brands have an opportunity to deliver. Customers are more aware that not all materials come from renewable resources. Not only do they want to purchase products that help them minimize their environmental impact, but they are turning their attention to sustainably packaged items.

Eco-friendly packaging options are growing, and it may help provide a better consumer experience. Recyclable packages are more popular than ever before. Using recycled substrates is a cost-effective way to incorporate sustainability into your packaging design.


Improved functionality is something consumers have been demanding for a long time. The ability to effectively deliver your product to customers from when they start using it to the last drop is becoming a driving force in innovation when it comes to how a variety of products are packaged.

Functionality can come about in different ways. Whether it’s easy to open, resealable, or packaging that can be used to store the item, functionality is a great way to minimize packaging waste. Depending on how innovative your packaging is, functionality can also be seen as a novelty.

Increased Visibility

Pureology Packette Holder Open

From food to cosmetics, companies are giving packaging more visibility in stores. This is especially important in intensely competitive market sectors where there is a great deal of saturation. If you sell different product lines, visibility can enhance overall brand awareness.

This trend emphasizes visual appeal, which places more demands on packaging to deliver in terms of appeal, look, and branding. Whether it’s color schemes, graphics, or shapes, it’s more important than ever for packaging to stand out.


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While the importance of differentiation is hardly a new concept, there is a growing significance for brands to produce “shelf-ready” and “gift-ready” packaging. This elevates the importance of secondary packaging, especially during the holiday season.

In addition to making a product more giftable, differentiated packaging also helps your brand appear more high-end than competitors. Value-added packaging is sure to be one of the trends that plays a significant role in the future of packaging.

The Future of Packaging Looks Bright

Because the current state of packaging trends is constantly shifting, it’s important to keep up and make sure you’re offering something innovative that resonates with your audience. Contact JohnsByrne for help creating a more compelling packaging design.

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