
Launching A Credit Card Welcome Kit: Do’s And Don’ts

Published On: October 21, 2020

In the financial industry, relationships are key and welcome kits are a unique way to build lifelong loyal customers. When done correctly, an engaging welcome kit can show a new customer just how much you value their loyalty. If they have recently acquired a new credit card, a welcome kit can leave a favorable impression and secure a loyal customer for life.

Not all welcome kits are created equal. In order to create a kit that is effective, there are certain packaging design strategies to implement – as well as ones to avoid. Creating financial welcome kits for new credit card openers can differ from other industries, we’ve gathered a few tips and tricks from industry experts to help you get started on your next welcome kit project. Learn the do’s and don’ts of welcome kits for credit cards from our experts at JohnsByrne.

Do: Make a Good First Impression

First impressions count and will stick with the customer for the duration of your professional relationship. It is important to create the best possible, high quality unboxing experience for your customers. When addressing new credit card customers, a financial institution’s image and reputation relies heavily on the unboxing experience. This first impression will directly influence the value of the relationship the customer feels they have with the financial institution. Additionally, it can shape the customer’s perceptions of the financial institution’s brand. By adding promotions and benefit information that compliment the original offer along with an engaging kit you can immediately positively or negatively guide the customer to stick with their newly acquired card or opt for another card or financial product.

Do: Personalize Your Packaging

Creating a personalized experience will have a positive impact on the customer. Personalized packaging will make credit card customers feel that they are being cared for and that their business is valued. Effective examples of personalized packaging are handwritten thank you notes as well as printing the client’s name on the packaging and making it a part of the design.

Do: Interact with Your Customers

Engaging customers doesn’t have to end with the welcome kit. You can leverage the welcome kit to find added ways to interact with your customer after they receive their new card. For example, you can upsell them additional products or incentivize your customers to share their unboxing experience with friends and family on social media. Another effective strategy is to offer a cash bonus as an incentive for referring a friend. These offers can help influence your customer interactions both with current and potential new credit card users.

Don’t: Forget to Drop-Ship Test Your Welcome Kits

If you are launching a new welcome kit for the first time you may want to talk to your credit card issuer to make sure the fulfillment can be done properly and timely on their end. You will also want to ensure that the cards stay in place during shipment and prior to the unboxing.
As mentioned before, first impressions matter, and if the contents of your packaging are unorganized and seem to be thrown around, the client may think that not much thought was put into the packaging – even if that is not the case. To show credit card customers that you are reliable and value quality, you’ll need a welcome kit that reflects that. A drop-ship test can help ensure that the package reaches the customer intact and as intended.

Don’t: Confuse Customers with Inconsistent Branding

Think of a welcome kit as an extension of your financial institution’s brand. While the welcome kit should be customized to the customer, you should not stray far from your brand identity, as this can leave your customer confused. Make sure to Include brand colors, imagery, and your logo. This will give the customer the consistency they need to put their trust into your institution and will also give your business the chance to tell the customer more about who you are and what you value.

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Get Started on Your Next Client Welcome Kit Today

Want to design a kit that shows how much you value your customers? Contact us at JohnsByrne to learn more about effective strategies for kit designs and to get started on your next project with our help and expertise!

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