Developing the packaging for one product is no simple task, but what about when you need packaging solutions for multiple product offerings under a single brand umbrella? Whether you offer multiple products under a single product line or multiple lines, you need to be able to customize and modify your packaging to fit your different products, while still retaining both functionality and the “look” you’ve established for your brand. When choosing and/or developing your relationship with a packaging supplier, these three principles will help set you up to streamline your packaging across multiple product lines.
1. Upfront and Ongoing Collaboration
The lines of communication between you and your packaging supplier should be open throughout your working relationship. The sooner the packaging supplier knows about your new product, the more they can assist you in development, and ensure that they have all the information and supplies on hand to fill your order when you need it. Even if you have your own team of designers for your packaging, you’d be surprised by the collaborative solutions that can be reached when your team works closely with your packaging supplier early in the process.
2. Complete In-House Operations
Many difficulties that arise in packaging are the result of miscommunication or inconsistencies across multiple suppliers. When structural design is handled exclusively by a team that will have no actual contact with the production of the packaging itself, and press and finishing are handled independently of structural production, you leave the door open to blind spots, inefficiencies, and mishaps, as well as adding downtime between each step as the packaging is transported between locations. Having every step performed in a single location with comprehensive in-house operations means that innovations can be realized, changes can be made on short notice, and any errors caught and addressed immediately. This means that your packaging can go from a design to complete in record time.
3. Multidimensional Expertise
It is rare that multiple product lines of a brand are best served by a single packaging solution. While a simple folding carton may be the best solution for one product, you may want to add clear windowing to another to give a view of the product. Unique shapes and structures, as well as eye-catching finishing effects, can be used to more successfully set apart high-end or luxury product lines. Promotional kits and welcome packages typically include multiple elements and require a different type of structural design entirely. Partnering with a packaging supplier that is comfortable working with a variety of substrates and structures can help ensure quality and consistency for all your packaging needs.
Ready to begin a new packaging chapter? Talk to a print and packaging expert at JohnsByrne!
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