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The debate whether to spend your money on things or experiences is polarizing. But maybe it’s moot. Why not have both? Experiential packaging gives consumers Experiential Packaging: What Can It Do for You?

Metalized decorating techniques give your packaging a unique, sophisticated look. The unmistakable gleam, visible even on crowded store shelves, is a great way to catch Hot Foil Stamping vs. Metalized Inks: What You Need to Know

Many household goods and pharmaceutical products must be contained in child resistant (CR) packaging to mitigate the risk of accidental poisoning by making it difficult Child Resistant Cartons Designed for Adults

While exact percentages vary, virtually every research study conducted to evaluate the importance of packaging on consumer purchases agree on this: At least 50 percent The Packaging Experience: What is it, and How Do You Create One?

A rebrand is so much more than a fancy new logo. That’s just one small piece in of a much broader overhaul. Rebranding will affect The Keys to a Successful Rebrand: What You Need to Know

Your packaging is the heart of your brand. Everything about it, from the shape to the color, must have careful strenuous thought put into it. How to Target Specific Emotions Using Color with your Packaging

Practically every marketer is looking to raise awareness and increase sales. But for many companies, trying to target everyone isn’t the most effective strategy. Narrowing How to Target Specific Markets with Packaging

Cannabis consumers are faced with a problem: there are too many options on the shelves. Local dispensaries offer dozens of different products, all with varying Designing Packaging of Cannabis Edibles and Smaller Treats with Consumers in Mind

In 2018, with so much innovation being poured into the cannabis space, sleeker is better, especially when it comes to packaging. New Products Mean Smaller Maximizing the “Mini” Packaging for Cannabis Concentrates

Why Use Direct Mail at All? Direct mail lasts longer. A study from Temple University recently found that direct mail resulted in longer engagement times 5 Direct Mail Innovations that Will make Your Next Marketing Campaign

The health and beauty market is a multi-billion dollar industry. Every year, millions of people purchase new products that will help them to look better. Cannabis for Skincare: How to Package this Trending Health & Beauty Ingredient

Creating a brand experience for your product doesn’t end when a consumer purchases a product. The brand experience will continue through every step of the Elevating Your Brand with a Multi-Sensory Packaging Experience